Here’s what you can do:
25 pts Schedule a federal ecoENERGY home energy audit and implement the retrofit
recommendations to reduce energy use
10 pts Install Compact Fluorescent bulbs throughout your home
15 pts Wash clothes in cold water instead of warm or hot water (cold rinse cycle too!)
10 pts Unplug that second refrigerator and get $30 back by calling BC Hydro to pick it up
(1 866 516-4357) as part of their current buy back program
10 pts Install solar powered lights, timers or motion sensor light fixtures for outdoors
40 pts Buy ENERGY STAR® appliances
10 pts Use a ceiling fan rather than an air conditioner
5 pts Use dishwasher only when completely full - or better yet, don’t use it at all!
10 pts Turn down the thermostat at night/when out, install programmable thermostat
25 pts Set the air conditioner higher in the summer, remove it during the winter
15 pts Don’t over-dry your clothes, use a timer or better yet, use a clothes line!
15 pts Unplug electrical appliances such as cell phone chargers, computers, printers,
TVs, DVD players and stereos when not in use
10 pts Purchase electronic equipment with ENERGY STAR® label
200 pts Total
Here’s what your municipality can do:
10 pts Participation and follow-up to BC Hydro’s ‘Turn It Off Challenge’
50 pts Sign up for BC’s Climate Action Charter committing to carbon neutral by 2012
20 pts Create energy efficiency standards for new and existing buildings
10 pts Implement staff awareness program on energy conservation
25 pts Create municipal measures/policies to reduce community energy consumption
10 pts Install CFL lights in municipal buildings
125 pts Total