On-Line Booking Instructions

Prior to booking on-line for the first time, the coordinator will provide you with an account number (which is your membership number) and password. Use these to access the site; you will be able to change your password once you are logged on.

  1. When you click on the "Book on-line" link, you will be directed to an external site, Carshare Everywhere, which will ask you for your GO2 account number (which is your membership number) and your password.
  2. You will be directed to the "My Bookings" screen. You will see there are five vertical tabs across the screen. Click on "My Membership" to confirm your details and to change your password. 
  3. Click on "New Booking" to make a booking.
  4. Select your "Pick-up at" and "Return by" date and time (note a 24 hour clock is used for the times). For future dates, scroll down to either "Choose another date" or use the calendar icon to select the month and date. You must also choose a vehicle from the drop-down list under "Location". Once you've chosen your date and times, and your vehicle, click the "Book It" button.
  5. A confirmation email will be sent to the email address we have on file.
  6. To change or cancel your booking, go to the "My Bookings" screen. Click in the "select" box and either change or cancel the booking by clicking on the appropriate button.
  7. Remember to Log-out (tab on the farthest right at the top of the screen) once you are done.
  8. Any questions? Call (250) 877-6030 or email.

Ready? Book on-line

Book a Vehicle

Announcements »

GO2 Carshare now has a truck!

posted 11/08/2010

GO2 Carshare is proud to announce it has added a used truck to its fleet.


GO2 Carshare wins!

posted 10/25/2010

The GO2 Carshare Cooperative is proud to announce it has won "Environmental Business of the Year".


"On a personal level, the more efficient you can be with your own vehicle, the better. Do you have a full car load of people? Are we driving our car for a one kilometer trip to the store when we could be walking or biking? Those kinds of actions collectively do have a big impact." - Dr. Michael Brauer, School of Environmental Health, UBC