
The GO2 fee structure is based on the industry norm of combining an hourly usage fee with a per kilometre fee. While our hourly rate is fixed at $1.50/hour, our mileage rates vary based on whether you are a low, medium or high use member. Members also pay a monthly administration fee, which again will vary based on your month-to-month use of the vehicles.

Our fees include the costs of fuel, insurance, maintenance and repairs! And if you do not use a vehicle one month, you are not charged any fees.

For longer trips, we also offer a daily rate of $60, but this rate does not include the costs of gas.

There are five different types of fees associated with being a GO2 member:

Unfortunately, there are also taxes…but remember, you do not pay for fuel, insurance, maintenance or repairs!

In order to ensure the co-op runs smoothly for the benefit of all its members, additional fees may also be charged for misuse such as: late vehicle return, losing a key, returning the vehicle with excessive mess or dirt, etc.

GO2 Membership Share

A GO2 memberships share is a life-time purchase and is fully refundable.


GO2 Hourly Rate

The hourly charge for booking co-op vehicles is $1.50...


GO2 Mileage Rates

GO2's mileage rates vary based on the distance driven in any one month...


GO2 Administration Fees

This fee will vary based on the mileage you have driven in any one month...


GO2 Additional Fees

The car share has a few additional fees that will help the cooperative accomplish some of its long-term goals...


GO2 Taxes

And in that co-operative spirit...some taxes are inevitable.


Book a Vehicle

Announcements »

GO2 Carshare now has a truck!

posted 11/08/2010

GO2 Carshare is proud to announce it has added a used truck to its fleet.


GO2 Carshare wins!

posted 10/25/2010

The GO2 Carshare Cooperative is proud to announce it has won "Environmental Business of the Year".


"On a personal level, the more efficient you can be with your own vehicle, the better. Do you have a full car load of people? Are we driving our car for a one kilometer trip to the store when we could be walking or biking? Those kinds of actions collectively do have a big impact." - Dr. Michael Brauer, School of Environmental Health, UBC