Choose a Project & Program
- Integral Leadership Development
- Transforming Value Chains Towards Sustainability
- Peru Mapacho River Watershed Environmental Capacity Development Project
- Developing Capacity for Conservation in Peru
- Leading From Within - Integral Leadership for Sustainable Development
- Smithers Anti-Idling Campaign
- Canadian Environmental Network International Program
- Smithers Community Bike Program
- 2009 Sierra Leone Tour: Land, Food, Diamonds
- A Fork In The Road
- Community Action on Energy Efficiency
- Cross River Environmental Capacity Development Project
- Energetic Olympics
- Energetic Solutions Centre
- Green Diamonds
- Growing at the Grassroots
- Human Security and the Environment
- Human Security and The Environment - Making The Link
- Interns 2002/03
- Interns 2003/04
- Interns 2004/05
- Interns 2005/06
- Interns 2006/07
- Interns 2007/08
- Smithers Anti-Idling Campaign
- Sowing a Seed in Sierra Leone
- West Africa Alive: A Simulation of an International Land-use Conflict
- World Tour to Peru 2008
- World Tour to Sierra Leone in April 2008
- Fire and Ice
- Athletes for Africa
- Moving Toward Resilience: An Inquiry in Energy and Leadership in the Northwest
- Integral Without Borders, Peru Tour
- Gifts For Change
- Go2 Carshare