GO2 Board of Director volunteers

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Are you interested in car sharing? Want to contribute to a new green transportation initiative?

One Sky has developed a non-profit carbon neutral car sharing cooperative, the GO2 Carshare Cooperative, and it is currently seeking board of director volunteers who are interested in contributing to this unique initiative. Volunteers of all ages and backgrounds are welcome!

Transportation accounts for 60% of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the Bulkley Valley. The GO2 Carshare Cooperative is open to Bulkley Valley and beyond residents who are interested in reducing their personal transportation-related GHG emissions and the amount of money they spend every year owning and operating their private vehicles. By cooperatively owing a vehicle, co-op members have the convenience of using a vehicle without the associated costs of maintenance, repairs, insurance and fuel, and they have the satisfaction of knowing that the emissions from the vehicle will be countered through the purchase of carbon offsets.

GO2 is actively recruiting board members so if you are interested, please contact Kim Struthers at (250) 877-6030 or email her.

This project received funding from Environment Canada’s EcoAction Community Funding Program, and GO2 also appreciates the support of enterprising non-profits (enp) and the Bulkley Valley Research Centre.


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