We rely on donations and we appreciate every single donation that comes our way. Thank you for considering us!
We know that you are inundated with donation requests and that like many people, you are constantly searching for the best place to donate your valued resources. Our committment at One Sky is to ensure that your donations are used efficiently and when possible they are leveraged. If there is a specific project that you would like to donate to please earmark your donation with a note in paypal (just follow the instructions in paypal and it will ask you if you would like to send a special note to the us after filling in your contact information). If you are sending a cheque please write in the memo line or let us know by e-mail.
You can make a general donation on line using our paypal account here:
Note: if you are donating online, paypal automatically deducts a small administration fee.
Send a cheque
Prefer snail mail? Send us a cheque indicating where you would like your donation to be applied.
Attn: Funding for X project
One Sky
1635 Grandview Road
Gibsons, B.C.
V0N 1V5
Monthly donations
You can also become a regular patron of One Sky by joining our monthly donations program. In this case you authorize your bank to pay us a monthly fee, which lightens the load for you and provides critical on-going support for us. Contact for more information.