One Sky
Hull FOE
Local NGOs
Leone News
Cause Canada
Friends of the Earth International is a federation of national member organizations established world wide. FOESL became a member in 1989. Since then it has been active in its international activities, campaigns and projects. But because of the war which broke out in 1990 lots of setbacks have been experienced due to communication interruptions. However the situation is improving and FOESL is now online for effective communication.
One Sky
FOESL became a partner with One Sky in the year 2000 when executive director Michael Simpson made an unexpected visit to Sierra Leone and FOESL. He found the organization strangled by war. Upon discussion, the One Sky director believes that partnership with FOESL will bring lots of opportunities for youths, particularly the war-affected children, and a brighter future for war-torn Sierra Leone. An invitation for an FOESL director to visit Canada indicates a real international co-operation for the grassroots. One Sky continutes to be a friend in need and a friend indeed.
With the cooperation of CESTA and their lengthy experience in appropriate technology FOESLs sister project on appropriate technology in Sierra Leone is bound to succeed. With the visit of FOESL executive director, Olatunde Johnson, to CESTA appropriate technology in Sierra Leone will receive substantial benefits in bicycle repair and other pedal powered technologies. FOESL will establish solid links with CESTA in El Salvador for long term development cooperation.
FOESL has had a strong link with FOE Ghana ever since FOESL became a member of FOEI. FOESL has been active together with FOE Ghana at all levels. FOESL has been attending organized activities by Ghana. FOE Ghanas executive director has also made several visits to FOESL. FOE-Ghana and Sierra Leone are working on a joint initiative to bring both groups closer together.
Hull FOE
A local group in England (Hull-FOE) has been so generous in providing used typing and sewing machines and books for the FOESL training center. FOESL hopes as it is trying to reestablish lost contact with Hull FOE and to improve communications effectively.
Local NGOs
FOESLs relationship with local NGOs is practically
speaking, very good but communication is often interrupted due to economic
and security constraints. FOESL continues to hold meetings and
activities together with other NGOs who share the same vision.
FOESL provides information for other NGOs to work with.
CAUSE Canada
FOESL is improving its link with Cause Canada. A submission
to the Canada Fund has been made regarding Human Security and the Environment
and is now in progress. As soon as the Appropriate Technology
Centre is properly in place FOESL has seen it necessary to work with
Cause Canada in monitoring and evaluating to ensure a successful project.