Canadian jewellers: join now!
Canadian jewellers can join the initiative in two ways:

1. Order a "Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds Info Package" from One Sky by fax, email, or phone. (Make sure to include your name and full mailing address). The information package provides background information on conflict diamonds and a Declaration outlining actions that jewellers joining the initiative are required to take. When you receive the package, fill out the "Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds Declaration" included within, and send it to One Sky by fax or mail.

2. Download the "Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds Declaration" from this website. Fill out the Declaration, and send it to One Sky by fax or mail.

By joining Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds, you are committing to the principles and specific actions outlined in the "Canadian Jewellers for Conflict-free Diamonds Declaration". Actions must be completed within three months of joining.

